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- 26-10-2021
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Delegations from different countries gathered in the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in New York. The delegation from Pakistan criticized India on matters of Jammu and Kashmir.
She said that Jammu and Kashmir in neither a so-called integral part of India nor is it India’s internal matter. India remains in occupation of an internationally recognized disputed territory whose final disposition is yet to be decided in accordance with the democratic principle of a free and impartial plebiscite under the UN. In order to divert attention from ever increasing international condemnation of India’s widespread and escalating human right abuses in India’s illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, India continues to level baseless allegation and rely on outright lie and obfuscation. India’s compulsive obsession with Pakistan is neither new nor surprising. It has permeated its ruling elite and governance structure. There is a method to this obsession as it underpins India’s electoral and foreign policy under the ruling RSS-BJP Hindutva inspired government. Since 5 august 2019, the high commissioner has urged India to unlock the situation and fully restore the rights that are currently being denied to the people of the occupied territory. She alleged that Human rights’ watch and Amnesty international have expressed similar serious concerns about India’s human rights violation including in the occupied territory. The Pakistani delegation also urged the international community to take cognizance of the compelling evidence and hold India accountable for the heinous crime.
She criticized that India itself is the principal perpetrator, sponsor, financer and a batter of terrorism in the region. She told that India is involved in 4 different types of terrorism-
The Pakistan’s delegation concluded with sour words by saying- In today’s incredibly intolerant India, the 200 million strong Muslim minorities face frequent lynching by cow vigilantes. Pogroms by RSS thugs with official complicity are evident. Discriminatory citizenship laws to disenfranchise Muslims and a concerted campaign to destroy mosques and rich Muslim heritage of India are prevalent in India.
Sneha Dubey, the 2012 batch IFS officer exercised India’s right to reply and delivered a befitting reply which is applauded by many on social media. People praised her by calling “lioness”.
She said that the leader of Pakistan attempted once more to tarnish the image of this august forum by bringing in matters internal to my country and going so far as to spew falsehoods on the world stage. While such statements deserve our collective contempt and sympathy for the mindset of the person who utters falsehood repeatedly, I am taking the flow to set the records straight. She replied that regrettably, this is not the first time the leader of Pakistan has misused the platform provided by the UN to propagate false and malicious propaganda against my country. And seeking in vain to divert the world’s attention from the sad state of his country where terrorist enjoy free pass while the lives of ordinary people especially those belonging to the minority community upside down”. Sneha stated that “member states are aware that Pakistan hasn’t established history and policy of harboring aiding and actively supporting terrorists. This is a country which has been globally recognized as one openly supporting trading financing and arming terrorists as a matter of state policy. It holds the ignoble record of hosting the largest number of terrorists proscribed by the UNSC. We marked the solemn occasion of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks just a few days back. The world has not forgotten that the mastermind behind that dastardly event Osama Bin Laden got shelter in Pakistan. Pakistan leadership continues to glorify him as martyr. Regrettably, even today, we heard the leader of Pakistan trying to justify acts of terror. Such defence of terrorism is unacceptable in the modern world. We keep hearing that Pakistan is a victim of terrorism, this is the country which is an arsonist disguising itself as a firefighter. Pakistan nurtures terrorist in their backyard in the hope that they will only harm the neighbors. Our region, in fact the entire world has suffered because if their policies. They are trying to cover up the sectarian violence in their country. This is also the country that still holds the despicable record in our region of having executed a religious and cultural genocide against the people what we now call ‘Bangladesh’. As we mark the 50th anniversary this year of that horrid event in history. There is not even an acknowledgement much less accountability. Today the minorities of Pakistan, the Sikhs, the Hindus, the Christians live in constant fear and state sponsored suppression of their rights. This is a regime where anti-Semitism in normalized by its leadership and even justified, dissenting voices are muzzled daily and enforced disappearances and extra judicial killing are well documented. Unlike Pakistan, India is a pluralistic democracy with a substantial population of minorities who gone on to hold the highest offices of the country including president, PM, CJIs and chiefs of army staffs. India is also a country with a free media and an independent judiciary that keeps a watch and protects our constitution. Pluralism is a concept which is very difficult to understand for Pakistan which constitutionally prohibits its minorities from aspiring for high offices of the state, the least they could do is introspecting before exposing themselves to ridicule on the world stage”.
By concluding her speech the IFS officer took a firm stand and also showed her cordial attitude. She said “Finally, let me reiterate that entire union territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Laddakh were, are and will always be an integral and inalienable part of India. This includes the areas that are under the illegal occupation of Pakistan. We call upon Pakistan to immediately vacate all areas under its illegal occupation. India desires normal relation with all our neighbors including Pakistan. However, it is for Pakistan to work sincerely towards creating a friendly atmosphere including by taking credible, verifiable and irreversible actions to not allow any territory in its control to be used for cross-border terrorism against India in any manner”.