History Of Israel-Palestine Bloodshed Conflicts

History Of Israel-Palestine Bloodshed Conflicts

  • May 21, 2021
  • Breaking News

The recent Israel-Palestine conflict has renewed the interest of many in the region. It is essential to know the conflicted history that the country has been tainted with to understand the present situation.

In the Middle East, Israel is a small country.  The name Israel is Abraham's grandson's name. The Hebrew Gods in the Bible renamed him ''Israel.'' The country shares the border with Egypt, Jordon, Syria, and Lebanon and has the Mediterranean Sea on the eastern shores.  The country primarily has a Jewish population, but both religious and archaeological sites like the Aqsa Mosque, Temple Mount, the Western Hall, the Dome of the Rock, to name a few, play an essential part in the lives of Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike.

The complex history of Israel is traced back to the Hebrew Bibles by scholars. The test traces the country's origin to Abraham, the father of Judaism (through his son Isaac) and Islam (through his son Ishmael).

The descendants of Abraham were slaves of Egypt for hundreds of years. They then settle in Canaan, the modern-day region of Israel.


Important Historical Facts Of Israel


  • 1000 B.C. – King David ruled the region
  • King Solomon, son of King David, is credited with the building of the first holy temple in Jerusalem
  • 931 B.C. – The region was divided into two kingdoms, Israel in North and Judah in South.
  • 722 B.C.  -Assyrians invaded the kingdom of Israel and destroyed it.
  • 586 B.C. – Babylonians destroyed the first temple after conquering Jerusalem
  • 516 B.C. – The second temple replaced the first
  • Till 1517, the region was conquered, plundered, and ruled by Persians, Greek, Romans, Arabs, Fatimids, Crusaders, Seljuk Turks, Egyptians, Mamelukes, Islamists, to name a few.
  • 1517-1917: Ottoman Empire ruled the region
  • Balfour Declaration – World War I changed the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East, including Israel, where the intent of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine was born.
  • 1922 – The Balfour Declaration was opposed by the Arabs, with the concern that the Jews will dominate Arab Palestinians in Palestine.


The modern-day tension between the Jews and Arab Muslims in the region goes back to the Balfour Declaration and World War II.

Post-World War II, the recent conflicts have been centred on occupying the following areas:

  • The Gaza Strip
  • Golan Heights
  • West Bank

The tension and conflict between the two factions continued over the years. It escalated when the Arabs rejected the partition of Palestine into Aran and Jewish state in 1947.

In 1948 the Arab-Israel war began where five Arab nations, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria, invaded Israel. The conflict of Arab-Israel includes:

  • Suez Crisis
  • Six-Day War
  • Yom Kippur War
  • Lebanon War
  • First Palestinian Intifada
  • Second Palestinian Intifada
  • Second Lebanon War
  • Hamas War

Today, the conflict between Arab and the Jewish factions of Israel and Palestine continues, despite several peace agreements. The mayhem results in the deaths of thousands of civilians on both sides, including children and women.

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