COVID-19 Comes Back In 2023: A Million Deaths Expected In Upcoming Months

COVID-19 Comes Back In 2023: A Million Deaths Expected In Upcoming Months

  • December 26, 2022
  • Health

China is again suffering from COVID-19. Lockdowns are the new norms of China. Government in China has come up with a new set of guidelines for the people of China which need to be strictly followed to curb the upcoming danger. Although the restrictions are not as harsh as 2019-20, normalcy of life is still awaited. This time China is not grabbing people as soon as they catch infection, they are permitted to stay at home in an isolated manner to prevent further spread of corona infection. SARS-CoV-2 or the Corona Virus which had stopped life all over the world in the last 2 years is coming back in a new form.

As per the latest reports, India is beginning random testing of people arriving from foreign countries to detect the spread of Coronavirus.

China has informed about deaths due to COVID-19. It has reported 5242 deaths due to the virus. China has said that 2700 new cases have been registered across the nation on 19th December and more than 40,000 cases in previous weeks. This shows the alarming picture of the comeback of the virus.


Symptoms of new variant of Coronavirus

People are reporting breathing issues, congestion in chest and in throat, cough and fever. There are also cases of stomach problems in people who face diarrhea-like symptoms.


How did Covid return to China?

When all the countries started blaming China for the spread of Virus, China was getting rid of the virus. When all the economies were closing due to the pandemic, China was the only country to ease the restrictions and restart its economic activities.

China actually vaccinated its younger population on a priority basis. It neglected the elderly people of China till late 2021. Non m-RNA vaccines of China also added fuel to the spread of the virus. The Chinese vaccine didn't provide required immunity to Chinese people and its effect is getting faded sooner than expected.  It started vaccine hesitancy among people of China and also the younger population showed reluctance in getting vaccinated. It affected the fight in China against Covid-19 pandemic. 

As per the reports, one-fifth of elderly people whose age are above 80 are still in queue to get the vaccine. Elderly people are more prone to viruses and so, they are becoming easy targets of Coronavirus and helping in its quick spread. If we look at the rate of getting the booster dose, it is only 68% in China. It shows that around one-third of the population is vulnerable to coronavirus.


Is Coronavirus affecting China?

China has imposed a lockdown again and it is causing damage to the Chinese economy. Hospitals are again facing issues of lack of beds and schools have gone to online mode again. Supply chains will be disrupted again. This can cause inflation globally as China is a manufacturer of goods in almost every sector. In the previous year, the Chinese economy witnessed growth of only 3.9% which is far less than its expectation of 5.5%. This low growth rate is the cause of unemployment in youth and deterioration of the real-estate market. Christmas is just a few days ahead and the closing of markets will affect people's purchasing behavior during this time. Also, the Foxconn plant which produces iPhones, is facing the restrictions hence the production will be disturbed. China has issued guidelines for a 10-days' mandatory isolation of foreign travelers.


What form of coronavirus is spreading in China?

The strain of Coronavirus named as BF.7 is prevalent in China. Also, the strains of Omicron are detected in some patients. This strain named BF.7 was also reported in the US and UK in October and November. BF.7 has evolved from another variant of BA. The effectiveness of vaccines in this new strain is yet to be tested.

National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) has said that India has gained hybrid immunity, so India needs not to panic. Hybrid immunity means that the immunity in Indian people is given by a combination of vaccines and viruses, so it will protect Indians from any new strain. Indians will develop antibodies to fight any new strain of Coronavirus.


India taking steps

As few cases of new variants of Coronavirus are also being reported in India, the government is on alert mode.

The Indian government has convened a high level meeting of health experts and health officials to take necessary steps to prevent the country from an upcoming threat.

The Health Ministry of India has also asked the states to initiate the process of genome sequencing and keep the track of variants of Coronavirus to keep the situation under control.

The center has given direction to states and UTs to collect and send the sample of Covid positive people to detect the new variant and gather more information about it.

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